Uncategorized 28 Feb 2014 Stretching it out! I have read about people having pain in their hand(s) when drawing (Craig Thompson comes to mind) but I never… neuerandreas
Uncategorized 24 Feb 2014 Assassins Creed sure is fun! Played some Assassins Creed over the weekend and all I could think of were stupid jokes on practicalities. Like that… neuerandreas
News 12 Feb 2014 Entry without preview image Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et… neuerandreas No Comments
Uncategorized 08 Feb 2014 Hourly Comic Day (from last week) I’m super late with uploading this, hope it’s still OK. A fairly typical Saturday: neuerandreas
Uncategorized 05 Feb 2014 Got a Cintiq today and wanted to draw something to warm up to it. It got a bit out of… neuerandreas
Uncategorized 04 Feb 2014 Some unused sketches for a Swedish Kid’s book, I personally really liked Sketch no 2. neuerandreas