Uncategorized 30 Sep 2013 Some development work for a project I’m working on with my buddy Sebastian Girner. And hey Tumblr, how am I… neuerandreas
Uncategorized 23 Sep 2013 How I start out with Storyboards and sometimes Comics HERE WE GO! 1) INTENSE READING I try reading the brief SUPER HARD, making notes of things I have to… neuerandreas
Uncategorized 15 Sep 2013 The Gym is the best place to check your emails, watch a funny youtube video or listen to loud dance… neuerandreas
Uncategorized 11 Sep 2013 I’ve been on a OSAMU TEZUKA trip recently, reading pretty much everything I can find from him. I don’t know… neuerandreas
Uncategorized 04 Sep 2013 Some work-in-progress of a officially unannounced comic. Can’t go wrong with a pig hiding in bushes! neuerandreas