Uncategorized 12 Dec 2013 Fake plastic life Christmas is running at me like a drunken moose. Freelance work needs to be finished, presents need to be bought… neuerandreas
Uncategorized 03 Dec 2013 The Batman video games are pretty awesome, not so awesome is coming home and having no cheesecake left. Poor Batman! neuerandreas
Uncategorized 26 Nov 2013 Tetanus Story This is how I like to spent my Saturdays. Next update: Some bonus drawings on what happens in a hospital. neuerandreas
Uncategorized 16 Nov 2013 The finished pages from the WEBCOMIC. It’s fun to switch from detailed comic work to faster storyboard stuff and then… neuerandreas
Uncategorized 15 Nov 2013 The refractory period!, Comic page A new page! That spider lady likes to make out! neuerandreas
Uncategorized 13 Nov 2013 Comic page, sketch to ink Some progress shots of a page for my webcomic: 1) Dirty sketchbook doodle 2) Layout sketch in Photoshop 3) Inked… neuerandreas
Uncategorized 05 Nov 2013 Castle of Cagliostro studies Wanted to do some board studies from one of my favorite animated chase scenes. I should have started right in… neuerandreas
Uncategorized 01 Nov 2013 The week in review is brought to you by Adobe Flash CS6, even worse then a pimple on your tongue neuerandreas
Uncategorized 29 Oct 2013 Professor Layton and the Monday doodles I really like Professor Layton. - The games are nice and easy to lend out to wife’s who normally don’t… neuerandreas