Uncategorized 08 Mar 2017 I’m currently swimming in a river of stress (Storyboarding on HILDA is NO JOKE) so here are some recent DUNGEON… neuerandreas
Uncategorized 01 Dec 2016 DUNGEON EXPRESS – P01 & 02 thedungeonexpress: It begins with lots of rain. Next week: No more rain! Dungeon Express starts! With a internet destroying GIF!… neuerandreas
Uncategorized 22 Nov 2016 DUNGEON EXPRESS -01.12.2016 You know what’s really helpful when you are creating things?DEADLINES.So after months and months of drawing and redrawing and starting… neuerandreas
Uncategorized 02 Aug 2016 MOOSE KID COMICS #3! While I was busy not eating Sugar and living a MISERABLE life, MOOSE KID COMICS #3 got released!It features a… neuerandreas
Uncategorized 05 Apr 2016 DUNGEON EXPRESS progress After years of writing and re-writing on this project (with this character) I’m finally fed up enough to just start… neuerandreas
Uncategorized 18 Dec 2015 HEY EVERYBODY! I held out on this post because I wanted to post it closer to the holidays but the MOOSE… neuerandreas